Seeking Jesus
God created people to have a relationship with Him. Adam and Eve were created to have fellowship with God, and in the garden of Eden they did.
Because of Adam and Eve’s sin, and the fall, we have become separated from God and seek our own will. It is human nature to seek our own will and not God's will for our lives.
We are all born with a body, soul, and spirit, and all three have been affected by sin. We struggle in life to find true meaning and true joy.
To have true joy in our lives we need to find out what our purpose in life is, which is to have fellowship with God.
Searching Jesus
God wants to have fellowship with us, but we have to do our part. We need to seek out Jesus and find His will in our lives.
Jesus is the One who gives us meaning in our lives. He is the one who gives us purpose and satisfaction.
Christ said, “I love those who love Me, and those who seek me find Me.” (Proverbs 8:17 NIV)
If you want more information about having a relationship with Jesus, please check out my books. Thanks!